S a n c t u a r y
H a i r S a l o n

~A S a f e H a v e n F o r N a t u r a l B e a u t y~


Sanctuary Hair Salon

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fun Fashion - Beaded Pearls and Extensions


  1. It is nice to see an article dedicated to this important topic. Thank you for sharing.
    hair salon montreal

    1. Tom , Thank you very much for showing your true self per your comment. This fun post is not so serious or need to be either. It is whimsical in nature. I went to your link "hair salon montreal" and looked up staff on the website. Isn't it strange that you , Tom are not listed as a staff member, yet you link that specific salon to your comment? My suggestion to you is to lighten up a bit. Don't take the beauty industry as such a strict industry. Allow freedom to take a place in your structured understanding of it. Then perhaps you may not be writing such comments to unknown blog writers. perhaps you'd write something pertaining to the subject matter instead. Thank you,
      Owner: Mark Steven Lewis
      Sanctuary Hair Salon
