S a n c t u a r y
H a i r S a l o n

~A S a f e H a v e n F o r N a t u r a l B e a u t y~


Sanctuary Hair Salon

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Donut Hair Bun

Gorgeous Bronwyn Newport is seen here sporting her before and after shots of a donut style bun up-do for the San Francisco Ballet's Opening and Gala events that followed.  Hairstyle created by Sanctuary Hair Salon owner Mark Steven Lewis as seen in his photo essay of the style from start to finish.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Slate Gun Metal With Hot-Stained Raspberry

Sanctuary "Winter Colorland"

      Slate gun metal with hot-stained raspberry tones (notice her glasses frame colors are incorporated too) are highlighted with butters, honey and creme tones to finish this tri-colored weft of asymmetric lengths on Paulette's Sanctuary Hair Salon's "Winter Colorland" Design Collection for Winter 2013.

 "Winter Colorland"