S a n c t u a r y
H a i r S a l o n

~A S a f e H a v e n F o r N a t u r a l B e a u t y~


Sanctuary Hair Salon

Monday, August 26, 2013

Couple Love Sanctuary Hair Salon

Couple Loves Sanctuary Hair Salon Haircuts

This is The Byerly's first time getting their haircut's at Sanctuary Hair Salon. Both Dan and Leslie ended up with rock and roll haircuts and loved it!  This is the first couple hair spin photographed at Sanctuary Hair Salon.  You can see by their smiles how much fun they had shooting their hair spin photos. Their smiling faces are representative of being happy customers as well.

As they leave the salon I am outside saying goodbye.  They walk away to go home and I holler, "hey Dan", and snap this great candid shot of them!

Thanks Dan and Leslie 
You made my day a little brighter!

Sanctuary Hair Salon Owner 
Mark Steven Lewis